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Metal Removal

Metal Precipitant, Chelate Breakers & Hexavalent Chrome Treatment


Metal Precipitant, Chelate Breakers & Hexavalent Chrome Treatment

Lone Wolf Technologies has examined the existing metal precipitants and chelate breakers that are currently available on the market. The majority of products currently available require a metal precipitant and a coagulant. This forces you to buy two drums of different chemistry.

Lone Wolf Technologies precipitants contain both a chelate breaker and a coagulant! A single product, fed by simple ORP control removes your metals to well below your compliance limits and coagulates your wastewater as well! All in a simple one-step process! Our one drum one-step process is more economical than the two-drum process! But wait! It gets even better! Our metal precipitants and chelate breakers do not contain any inorganic coagulants such as Aluminum, Iron, Calcium, etc. Therefore you won’t have any additional metals being added to your sludge and increasing the volume of sludge you generate. If you are currently using a two-step metal precipitation process where an inorganic coagulant is added along with your metal precipitant, chances are a Lone Wolf Technologies metal precipitant or chelate breaker might offer you a sludge reduction

Lone Wolf Technologies precipitants and chelate breakers have the following distinct characteristics:

Hexavalent Chrome Reduction

For chrome reduction, our products are an effective alternative to SO2 gas generating agents used for reducing hexavalent chromium to trivalent chromium and are effective at higher pH’s than SO2, and gas generating products like sodium bisulfite and sodium metabisulfite.